Lately I have been so busy with all the little business of life. Not that it's a bad thing, I love to be busy. Porter is growing fast. He wants to crawl, but is still working on
figuring out how to do it. He is such a joy and
happiness to us. He seems like he is always so happy. I love that. A couple weeks ago I took him to his first time in a public pool. After he got rid of the initial shock of the water....he loved it! I have a little floaty that he sits in with a built in umbrella. It's really nice. It amazes me that he is so smart! He figured out very quickly that if he just kicks his little legs he can move. It was super cute.
Porter is growing teeth! There are two little cute ones on the bottom. I wish there was a chance that I could get a picture of those little things but Porter won't have it! He will just squirm and go in for the painful bite! But they are cute.
I got to go to one of my closest friends wedding. It was wonderful! I just love being in the temple. It is such a beautiful, sacred place. Nothing is better than being there with Josh. I can't wait for Christ to come again if I get to feel that way all the time. :) Cool thing was that Megan and Cory got married in the exact same room Josh and I did!! It was awesome!
My friend Emily is having a little baby girl. I am so so happy for her!! I remember when we would babysit the
Gardners together and dream of having our own kids and letting them play together. And that maybe one day we would live next door to each other. Both being homemakers and helping each other out (okay, enough of remember game). I got to go to her baby shower this weekend! I am so happy that she is having a baby! She makes such a cute
I am also starting to plan the camping trip for the Christensen side of the family. I can't wait! I have so much fun with everyone and camping thrown in the mix will be awesome! If anyone has any advice on planning a trip with about 15 people let me know. We are going to Bridger Lake, so any info on that would be awesome!