Saturday, April 19, 2008

Sr. Prom (for the little sis)

My sister asked me to do her hair for her Senior Prom today. I thought that I did such a fantastic job! :) She looks so beautiful! She is going with a really nice guy, so I am super happy about that! I have tons more to write about. Cutting my hair almost 12 inches, my brother and his family are in town, and we found a house we want to much to come.


Bekah and Lance said...

Is that Ashley or Amy? I haven't seen any of your siblings for so long!!

Christensens said...

It is Janae. I should have put that in there. :)

Josh and Becca said...

Emily, I just checked your blog and I have so many questions?!?! YOU CUT YOUR HAIR?!?! Oh! I am DYING to see it. I'll call ya tomorrow. :)

Bekah and Lance said...

Oh ok, thanks! Glad that it's Janae which means they're all not to grown up yet! She's gorgeous!